Thursday, March 15, 2012

Schizophrenia: Histapenia Symptoms

The histamine imbalance biotypes were initially introduced by Dr. Pfeiffer, who found extremes in blood histamine in two-thirds of his schizophrenic patients, with improvement occurring as nutrients brought histamine toward normal (as indicated by biochemical tests). He gave the name, histapenia, to the biotype associated with low histamine.
Dr. Walsh later suggested that the primary imbalance underlying the low histamine chemistry is, simply put, neurotransmitter overmethylation plus insufficient folic acid.  More on this later.

In detailed labs taken for over 25,000 schizophrenics (just in the two clinics of Doctors Pfeiffer and Walsh), 45-50% fell into the histapenia subgroup, making histapenia the most common biochemistry in those diagnosed with schizophrenia.

Symptoms of histapenia (tendencies)
High anxiety, perhaps panic attacks. Racing thoughts, grandiosity. General overstimulation.
Obsessions, suspicious, dysperceptions.
Learning disorders, underachiever in school. Problems with abstract thought.
Depression, but usually less than in other biotypes,
Often artistic or musical. Increased religiosity.
With high copper / low zinc, insufficient niacin (vitamin B3): paranoia, voices, psychosis, usually classic schizophrenia symptoms.
Physical tendencies
Dry eyes, mouth (increasing tendency to carries). Dry skin, tendency to eczema. Hairy.
Low libido, often overweight, low metabolism.
High pain threshhold. Any pain clusters in the head, neck, upper body.
Restless leg syndrome, ringing in the ears. Insomnia, turning day into night.
Food and chemical sensitivity, particularly perfume sensitivity. Seasonal allergies uncommon. Increased estrogen (e.g., postpartum) often associated with psychosis.
Reacts poorly to methionine, SAMe, antihistamines.

Low blood histamine and often absolute basophils, low folic acid, high copper, low serum zinc, elevated norepinephrine and/or dopamine, and often, serotonin.
For further discussion and visuals, see the sample pages from
 my schizophrenic book at:

Reminder: This information is presented for educational purposes only, and is not intended for diagnostic or treatment purposes. If you need treatment for schizophrenia, or any other medical condition, please consult a knowledgeable physician.

1 comment:

  1. i suspect that i may have histapenia so where can i find a doctor to diagnos and treat this illness??
