Sunday, May 30, 2010

Major schizophrenia nutrients: Vitamin B3 and Vitamin C

Megavitamin Therapy (which evolved into Orthomolecular Psychiatry) began with the Hoffer/Osmond research into niacin (a form of vitamin B3) and vitamin C. See my post at:

Over the next half century, although other supportive nutrients have been discovered, orthomolecular physicians and researchers have continued to find megadose vitamin B3 and megadose vitamin C to be major therapeutic agents for most adult psychoses. This applies to all biotypes, even histadelia (more on biotypes later). 

That is, niacin and C, within the context of a complex of indicated nutrients, health therapies, and other treatments, as per individual biochemical requirements, including contraindications.

For references, consult the literature, and see Natural Healing for Schizophrenia

Caution: My blog entries are solely educational. If you need treatment, consult a knowledgeable physician.

* Some exceptions: for pyrolurics and for young people, B6 or B6 plus B3, may often be more effective than B3 alone.

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