Sunday, May 30, 2010

Major schizophrenia nutrients: Vitamin B3 and Vitamin C

Megavitamin Therapy (which evolved into Orthomolecular Psychiatry) began with the Hoffer/Osmond research into niacin (a form of vitamin B3) and vitamin C. See my post at:

Over the next half century, although other supportive nutrients have been discovered, orthomolecular physicians and researchers have continued to find megadose vitamin B3 and megadose vitamin C to be major therapeutic agents for most adult psychoses. This applies to all biotypes, even histadelia (more on biotypes later). 

That is, niacin and C, within the context of a complex of indicated nutrients, health therapies, and other treatments, as per individual biochemical requirements, including contraindications.

For references, consult the literature, and see Natural Healing for Schizophrenia

Caution: My blog entries are solely educational. If you need treatment, consult a knowledgeable physician.

* Some exceptions: for pyrolurics and for young people, B6 or B6 plus B3, may often be more effective than B3 alone.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Food as Medicine

Foods (and herbs) are the raw biochemicals of which our cells are ultimately composed, the most elemental means to fix, revitalize, and balance our biochemistry and health. Moreover, benefits tend to steadily increase as cells get repleted, and multiple nutrients generally tend to be synergistic rather than detrimental.

So why are nutrients not the first line of defense in mainstream psychiatry and medicine?

For more info, see my book, Natural Healing for Schizophrenia