Drugs, when they work, usually create relatively rapid improvement, until tolerance develops and side effects set in.Nutrients are usually slow, so that at first it may not be obvious that they are working at all. Usually, improvement is subtle, almost unnoticeable day-to-day. Much subtler than drugs.
But effectiveness compounds with time. Multiple nutrients have a multiplicative effect. And, tailored appropriately to the individual, virtually no significant side effects (except enhanced general health). After all, nutrients nourish and are essential to health by definition.
Degree of Improvement
The clinical outcomes of Doctors Pfeiffer, Walsh and Hoffer, over tens of thousands of patients with schizophrenia, suggest that approximately 75-85% get better. To start, improvement may be almost unnoticeable, but progresses -- especially when treated relatively soon -- to a remarkable extent, as compared to meds. Many people can go back to school, pursue previous career goals, take up where they left off. They get their lives back. Nutrients work!Education critical
But nutrient treatment does have to be tailored to individual requirements. In some cases repeated fine-tuning is needed and patience is essential. Education is critical for everyone involved. The more the individual, the physician and the family know about what each nutrient does, the role of biotypes, and the influence of other health factors (allergies, metals and toxins, thyroid and adrenal function, blood sugar, Candida, neurological issues, etc.), the more the long-term outcome is likely to improve.Hence, my book, Natural Healing for Schizophrenia, so doctor and patient can work together to solve the riddles of this illness.
Available here.
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Warning: If already taking medication, please do not make changes without consulting with a knowledgeable doctor. Changes in medication can trigger episodes which are worse than the initial illness. If the individual is taking meds, orthomolecular doctors usually just add nutrients to the drug regimen. They then reduce meds in gradual steps (often 10% at a time), each stage only when enough improvement on the nutrients allows it.
This information is presented for educational purposes only, and is not intended for diagnostic or treatment purposes. If you need treatment for schizophrenia, or any other medical condition, please consult a knowledgeable physician.